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Tuesday, March 10, 2015

The Iron King (The Iron Fey #1) by Julie Kagawa review

     It's normally really easy to determine whether I like a book or not after I've read it.  Did it amuse me?  Did it take two months to finish because I was bored?  Did I hate or love the main character?  Was the love story realistic?
     These are all questions I ask myself while reading to make my rating decision, but this book just doesn't fit into any of my usual categories.
      Let me explain myself:  I absolutely LOATHED the main character, but I  LOVED the world built around her (picture Alice in Wonderland meets Pan's Labyrinth meets everything steampunk). I'm actually even confused as to why I hate this girl.  She is everything any normal person would be if thrown into this situation; confused, lonely, a bit at odds and underwhelming since she's up against monsters that aren't supposed to exist in the real world.
     Even though I know this, (and knowing I wouldn't do any better in this situation), after reading about so many kick ass heroine's I can't help but feel that she's weak and I just want to slap her.
     I get that Julie Kagawa was trying to make us feel like it could be any one of us stuck in this situation and make it seem more realistic by making this girl weaker than the fey, but at the same time, if I'm reading a fantasy novel, I want to read about someone who ISN'T like me.....I want a human who is thrown into this world of terror and shows that humanity is the strongest of the bunch; she can fight like a wildcat, doesn't show fear, learns the ways of the creatures in this strange place and outsmarts them, etc, etc.... It's fiction after all, right?  Why shouldn't I be able to have that?
     Don't even get me started on the love story.  The guy is likeable sure (most of the time), but it seems like insta-love plays a huge role in this.  The first time they kiss, instead of having a Little Mermaid "don't be shy, you know you want to kiss the girl; just do it already!" moment, I had more of a "wait, why are we here, why are they doing this, did I miss something?" moment.
     I had already bought the second book at the same time as I bought the first, thinking since I loved The Immortal Rules that Julie Kagawa could do no wrong, so I'll read it, but I don't know if I'll continue beyond that,sadly.  Too bad, since after seeing all the other reviews I thought this would be my new "must buy the next one right now" series.

Rating: 3 out of 5 stars

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Quarantine:The Burnouts by Lex Thomas review

     What the heck was that? Seriously! Just....what?
     I finally finished this series today and I am so disappointed in this ending that I don't even know where to begin. They take a character I came to know and like and made him seem completely unimportant by the end of the book, while letting another who never would have actually survived on their own in this world and making them seem to be the whole reason for the series.
     Those last couple sentences will only make sense to others who have read the book, but those who have completely get what I'm talking about.
     Was it a memorable series? Absolutely, but with that ending I think it's definitely not going to be put on many must read lists anytime soon.
     Another Divergent-esque surprise ending, yet not nearly as thoughtfully planned out.  Two babies? Really?
     Wasn't this trilogy entirely based on the world building and figuring out how the characters would make it knowing everything they were familiar with had been destroyed? If so, then why didn't the authors at least give us some kind of closure to the main players? Telling me Zachary now works at a theater store in New York in two sentences does not an ending make. What about Sasha??? What about these kids who were put to death by the government???
     Yet the others act like it didn't happen and go back to everyday life? Shouldn't there be a revolution against these ppl??? I just don't buy it.
      If there was to be another book I may feel differently, but if this is really the last then....just....no.